Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Turestrl Designs Concept Piece For Burberry

My Representation of the brand, with personification of their logo, which most consumers truly don't know. This is why the title, "Monster of Fashion" fits because Burberry™ looked past branding a logo and branded a pattern in our hearts/minds forever.

Turestrl presents: Heir Detweiler - Misery Co.

What is Turestrl about?

Welocme To the Space Between, where the species of TüRESTRL have come oüt of their hiding to express their simplistic yet complex artistic desires.
We, known as TüRESTRL's are native to the planet, AIAL (Art Is Always Living).

We made birth on the planet Earth in the neüance period of 85390 AIAL time, parallel to the year 2004, In a city known to yoü as Chicago, IL. We qüickly gravitated to the art scene created by the natives of this region. While meek in character we stüdied the ambitious "Pop cültüre," down to what we believe is its intended motive. Now oür expression broüght to yoü.